Texas chain saw massacre mask
Texas chain saw massacre mask

#Texas chain saw massacre mask update

We’re not given any sort of update on her life and the only characterization we have of her is when she takes out an old photograph of her friends. All we are told is that a lot of time passed and she seems to have toughened up. Apart from what we saw in the last film, we know next to nothing of this character. Texas Chainsaw Massacre tries to have a Laurie Strode type of character here but it does not work at all. She has been trying to track down Leatherface for the killing of her friends. Sally, from the original 1972 film, returns in this sequel as a seasoned ranger. There were too many instances where characters should have been more traumatized and panicking from what they’ve seen. That being said, when acting suffers across the board, I can only imagine this boils down to the direction of the film. I thought Sarah Yarkin was good in Happy Death Day 2U, but didn’t bring that spark here. She comes off as self-righteous and consistently orders Lila around. Apart from wanting to take care of her sister, there is nothing to her character. Melody sat quite comfortably in the annoying route which is a shame because of how often we see her. The group that wants to gentrify the area

texas chain saw massacre mask

And the rest of the characters? They were either dull or annoying. It’s quite amazing how little effort was put into this character in the end. There’s a point in the film where Lila has to confront her trauma, but it’s done in a way where you wouldn’t even think she had trauma. Lila lived through a traumatic experience that caused her to be more reserved in life. And out of these two, Lila is the only one that was given some form of characterization. Out of the four friends, we primarily follow Melody (Sarah Yarkin) and her sister Lila (Elsie Fisher). CHARACTERS AND PERFORMANCES: CASUALTIES OF LEATHERFACE Everything feels quick and although the kills are great, Texas Chainsaw Massacre never does anything unique beyond those kills. Instead, the entire story takes place in just a day and maybe two different buildings. There are a ton of different buildings that need work. What makes the premise of Texas Chainsaw Massacre interesting is the idea of all these people visiting and fixing up a broken and empty town. But it’s also simple, quick, and again, uninspiring. Many viewers will look at this scene and think it is was well done.

texas chain saw massacre mask

1994's Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation is a weird mess that's cited by many as one of the worst horror sequels ever, even with future stars Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger in the cast.For example, there is one scene in the latter part of the film that takes place on a bus. 1990's Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 tried its best to make the franchise serious again, but didn't entirely succeed, and suffered from a troubled production that led to a pretty muddled story. That was even with Hooper returning to helm 1986's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, as while the sequel has its fans today, it disappointed most at the time by sporting a completely different tone and style, and getting much sillier instead of more horrific.

texas chain saw massacre mask

In that time, three sequels had been produced, none of which had managed to even come close to the reputation of quality earned by the first film. By the time New Line Cinema and Platinum Dunes got around to remaking The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it had been nearly 30 years since director Tobe Hooper's 1974 original. 2003's Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake actually reshot a scene from a prior sequel that the MPAA had demanded be cut to get an R rating.

Texas chain saw massacre mask